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First Blog - Taking Care of Business

marcus jamieson-pond

Hi. Today I spent time getting the site up and running. As well as messing about with the manuscript to switch a couple of paragraphs about and realising I had a typo in the blurb on the back page. But now I can say that the book is now FINISHED.

My publisher produced 10 preview copies, which may well be collectors' items in years to come if you are one of the lucky people who have one. Feedback was really useful and the first three chapters in particular were tweaked. (And a story about a KP called Jimmy added - thanks Melanie).

We're now about to order a first batch of the REAL books ready for the world to buy. We have Amazon and Kindle waiting in the wings, but thought we'd do the first launch low key via FB/Twitter and the rest, to see how it goes. It gives us a chance to see what the profile of our readers is too - I suspect it will be anyone over 40 who did a rubbish job in their teens, or parents who are talking to their kids about years out.

Of course I fully expect to be asked to sell film rights by the end of the month. Here's hoping

So if you've found this post, well done, and I hope that you invest ten English pounds to find out what has been keeping me up at night!

If you want to know what the picture is, you'll have to read the book. :-)

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